No, I don't really know how you're expected to live on £324.84 a month, never mind repay your debts.
No, I don't know how you'll get by while you wait for the outcome of your PIP claim. Yes, I know that could be months.
Yes, it's stupid that you're in debt because you have no money and bailiffs are going to add £75, then £235, to that debt. No, I can't stop them doing that.
No, I can't stop your energy bills going up.
No, it's not fair that your abusive husband didn't pay the rent on your joint tenancy before you moved out and you're the one getting chased for it. And no, it's also not fair that because he has died/moved abroad/evaded the tenative approaches of the Child Maintenance Service you just don't get anything.
No, we can't appeal the energy company trust fund decision.
No, it's not fair that the council would rather let you get evicted and spend money processing a homelessness application than give you a Discretionary Housing Payment.
No, we don't give housing advice. Yes, I know that other agency hasn't contacted you yet. Yes, I am trying to get in touch with them.
Yes, it's inexplicable that you have to pay £680 to go bankrupt and barely any charities will consider paying that for you. No, I know that in any case probably won't sort your current rent arrears, and will make it difficult for you to rent in the private sector.
Yes, you know better than me the limitations of what the mental health crisis team offer.
No, I don't know what it's like.
Yes, I'm doing my best.
No, I know that doesn't help.
See this all the time. The whole system fails people from start to finish. The welfare reform act started all of this and I can't believe than in the 6th richest country in the world, we can't pay to look after vulnerable people.