There are several frustrating parts to being a debt adviser, but broadly they boil down into three categories: frustration with clients, frustration with creditors, and frustration with the rules, which is typically insolvency. This particular story has a tiny bit of frustration with the rules, a bit more with the client, and an awful lot with the creditor. Several months ago, I helped a client to set up a payment plan to a bailiff company collecting unpaid council tax (well, overpaid council tax support - but it's treated the same). I had directly agreed this with the bailiff company, and impressed upon the client the need to maintain his payments, ideally through setting up a standing order. He did not set up a standing order. I open my emails after the Easter weekend to find a picture of a bailiff letter. I call the client. "Have you kept up with the payments?" "I thought I had but when I called the number they said I missed one in March. I've gone on their w...